imagistic and Southern Poverty Law Center Win Webby Award for

VENICE, CALIFORNIA – June 19, 2002 – The Web site and its sister site, which were produced in collaboration with Internet services and software firm Imagistic, have won the Webby Award for best Web site in the activism category. The Webby's are the premiere international honor for consumer Web sites and individual achievement in technology and creativity.

Created by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and advance the SPLC's mission to eradicate hate and bias through legal channels and education.

Said Imagistic Chief Executive Officer Michael Weiss, "As a former Los Angeles-area high-school teacher, I can personally attest to the importance of the work being done by the Southern Poverty Law Center. We're proud to be part of the Teaching Tolerance movement, and thrilled to have earned a Webby Award for" is the portion of the site developed by Imagistic, and was designed to help teachers and parents foster respect and understanding in the classroom and beyond. Used primarily by educators, the site provides news, insights and strategies for combating hate and encouraging tolerance among students; information about how to respond to a hate incident; age-specific lesson plans; and interactive teacher forums. The site also serves as the online compliment to the SPLC's Teaching Tolerance magazine, an award-winning bi-annual publication for K-12 educators.

Founded in 1997, Imagistic ( is an Internet services and software company that specializes in Web application development. The company has developed numerous Web-based initiatives for such clients as California Pizza Kitchen, Bank of America, Shari's Restaurants, UCLA,, Southern Poverty Law Center and Estee-Lauder. Imagistic is based in Venice, California and works with local and remote clients in all businesses and industries.